
Software List

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

On this page, similar to the Hardware page, there are indicators at the top of the page that serve as filters for the listed software below.

There are general counters that provide information about the Licensing Status of the Software. This status is pre-identified by Almaden at the market level for companies.

  • Licensable: A license is required to use the software in the corporate environment.
  • Not Licensable: No license is required for usage.
  • Unknown: The status is not yet identified.

There are also counters for the Homologation Status, which are applied based on the Software Homologation performed in the account.

The software list is categorized by Product, Manufacturer, Licensing Condition, and Type. Products are also pre-identified by Almaden as a way of grouping the software that is installed but counted under a “Group” when it comes to the licensing condition.

Expanding the list of Products allows you to verify the Software, Version, Manufacturer, Status, Group, and Category. All this software inventory information can be viewed within the machine record when installed on the asset.

For each Product, you can also access its general information, such as all associated software and their homologation status, as well as counting how many distinct assets in the environment have installations that consider this product.

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