
Almaden – Communication Ports

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Communication ports

List of all addresses, ports, and descriptions used by the agents and plugins
NOTE: Open based on the resource to be deployed in the environment.
LAD1 and LAD2 are separate productions. Please consult our technical team to determine which address should be allowed.
Check the customer’s environment when logging into CIQ ITAM/ SmartCenter and replace the word environment with the correct name.

Desktop Agent (ADA)
Server Agent (ASA)
Centralized Relay or Devices443 or 80In/OutSSLlad1-receiver.almaden.app
Communication with the SmartCenter Cloud on the internet via SSL or HTTP protocol.
Desktop Agent (ADA)
Server Agent (ASA) With centralized Relay
Centralized Relay1999In/OutTCPCentralized Relays
IP or Hostname
Communication between environment equipment and relays
Almaden Auto Update (AAU)All Equipment8433 and 443In/OutTCP/UDPlad1-aau.almaden.app
Sending executable files to Desktop Agent (ADA) on Microsoft operating systems via WAN.
Support Remote Access (SRA)All Equipment443, 80 or 7615In/OutTCP/UDPremote.automatos.comSupport Remote Access between client and server
Plugin – NetscanDesktop Agent (ADA)
+ Plugin Netscan
Default Port: 445
In/OutTCP/UDPAll EquipmentDiscovers devices that do not have the agent installed.
Plugin – ADWServer Agent (ASA)
+ Plugin Distribuition Wizard
Default Port: 5900 and 5901In/OutTCPAll EquipmentTransferring distribution files, commands and executables via LAN.
Plugin – SNMPServer Agent (ASA)
+ Plugin SNMP
161In/OutUDPNetwork DevicesRequests information from SNMP agents.
GeolocationAll Equipment80In/OutTCPip-api.comDetermines the approximate location of the device. This technique is mainly based on IP range allocation by internet service providers.

NOTE: LAD1 and LAD2 are separate productions. Please consult our technical team to determine which address should be allowed.
Check the customer’s environment when logging into CIQ ITAM/ SmartCenter and replace the word environment with the correct name.

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