
Single Sign-On

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Single Sign-On

SSO (Single Sign-On) is an authentication mechanism that allows a user to access multiple systems or applications with a single login session.
Instead of having to log in separately to each system (SmartCenter and CIQ), the user can authenticate once and then gain access in both.

With the change when accessing the SmarCenter or CIQ addresses (URL), you will be redirected to this login screen below:

image Single Sign-On

For example:
You accessed the SmartCenter URL as usual:
(https://lad2-smartcenter.almaden.app/), you will be redirected to this login screen above, enter your credentials and when logging in, you will be redirected back to the SmartCenter environment.

After completing the login and being redirected to the SmartCenter, if you try to access the CIQ URL (https://lad2-ciq.almaden.app/), you will no longer need to perform another authentication.
It works the same if you access CIQ first and then try to access the SmartCenter URL.

The same session will be used for both environments, remembering that after 15 minutes of the last action on the portals without interaction, the session will automatically end.

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