
Single Sign On Announcement

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Almaden is pleased to announce that we have integrated single sign on (SSO) capability into our products. The Collective IQ® suite comprising Digital Employee Experience Management (DEX) and IT Asset Management (ITAM) solutions has been improved to provide secure login utilizing a single ID and encrypted password.

About Single Sign On

The use of SSO will provide enhanced protection in addition to ease of use. Furthermore, it is fully integrated with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) in order to maximize enterprise-wide protections. If needed, you can speak with Customer Support about potential integration with other authentication and identity services.

Single Sign On Technology

Single Sign On

Almaden’s SSO technology is based on Keycloak identity and access management software. Information can be found at https://www.keycloak.org. Keycloak enjoys a great deal of popularity across the globe and is highly rated as a safe and reliable solution which has a very strong community behind it.

From a user standpoint, the clear benefit is being able to use one ID and password across Collective IQ® and SmartCenter™ products. This makes things simpler for end-users and administrators alike.

The switch to SSO is already underway. As the change-over occurs, you will be notified of a one-time need to select a new password when logging onto Collective IQ® or SmartCenter™. From then on, each access to a product will be via that logon ID and the new password.

SSO Go Live

We anticipate that all users will have been switched over by Monday, June 3rd 2024. This is a necessary, non-harmful procedure as Almaden can import user IDs but has no access to encrypted passwords.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Customer Support, or check the SSO page on this site.

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