
Linux Installation – Desktop Agent and Server Agent

Estimated reading: 9 minutes


This document aims to show the installation procedure of Automatos Desktop / Server Agent for the Linux Operating System.

To start the installation, copy the binary to the /tmp directory of the machine that will be installed.
To do this, identify which Linux distribution is.

We currently have 2 types of “ADA” (Desktop Agent) and “ASA” (Server Agent) Agents:

  • For Debian-based Distributions (dpkg / .deb). Debian, Ubuntu, etc;
  • For Red Hat (RPM) based Distributions. Red Hat, Suse, Fedora, etc.

Agent Download

Access our SmartCenter portal with your credentials at:
Menu> Settings >Download

  1. Select the desired option: Desktop or Servers;
  2. Will you do Software Distribution? select the option:”NO” to display operating systems other than Windows;
  3. Choose the operating system which will perform the installation.

Note: You can only install and remove software through Smartcenter for Windows operating systems.

Agent Download


DPKG x32 – Installation

Desktop Agent (ADA) and Server Agent (ASA) for common linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Mint…

1 – Update Repository

apt update

2 – Install library libc6 for x32

apt-get -y install libc6

3 – Elevate installation package permission (Check file name)

chmod 775 axa-##.##.##-en.i386.lin.deb

4 – Install Desktop Agent or Server Agent (Check file name)

dpkg -i axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.deb

DPKG x32 – Data sending configuration

The data forwarding configuration can be done for SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays
Execute only one of the following configuration commands, either SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays.

NOTE: Replace the fields below with your environment.
<your@account.com>: The primary SmartCenter access account.
<Department>: The department to which the equipment should be organized in SmartCenter.
<ENV>: The database where the account is created in SmartCenter, which can be lad1 or lad2.
<RELAY1> and <RELAY2> : Replace the fields with the IP or Hostname of the Central Relays.

Data sending SmartCenter Cloud

SmartCenter Cloud – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

SmartCenter Cloud – Server Agent (ASA):

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

CloudCom Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent
NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration SmartCenter Cloud command.

Data sending Central Relays

Central Relays – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

Central Relays – Server Agent (ASA)

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration to Central Relays command.
Relay Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

End of configuration DPKG x32

DPKG x64 – Installation

1 – Update Repository

apt update

2 – Install library libc6 for x64

apt-get -y install libc6-i386

3 – Elevate installation package permission (Check file name)

chmod 775 axa-##.##.##-en.i386.lin.deb

4 – Install Desktop Agent or Server Agent (Check file name)

dpkg -i axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.deb

DPKG x64 – Data sending configuration

The data forwarding configuration can be done for SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays
Execute only one of the following configuration commands, either SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays.

NOTE: Replace the fields below with your environment.
<your@account.com>: The primary SmartCenter access account.
<Department>: The department to which the equipment should be organized in SmartCenter.
<ENV>: The database where the account is created in SmartCenter, which can be lad1 or lad2.
<RELAY1> and <RELAY2> : Replace the fields with the IP or Hostname of the Central Relays.

Data sending SmartCenter Cloud

SmartCenter Cloud – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

SmartCenter Cloud – Server Agent (ASA):

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

CloudCom Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent
NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration SmartCenter Cloud command.

Data sending Central Relays

Central Relays – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

Central Relays – Server Agent (ASA)

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration to Central Relays command.
Relay Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

End of configuration DPKG x64

RPM x32 – Installation

1 – Refresh Repository

zypper refresh

2 – Install library glibc for x32

zypper install glibc -y

3 – Elevate installation package permission (Check file name)

chmod 775 axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.rpm

4 – Install Desktop Agent or Server Agent (Check file name)

rpm -Uhv axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.rpm

RPM x32 – Data sending configuration

The data forwarding configuration can be done for SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays
Execute only one of the following configuration commands, either SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays.

NOTE: Replace the fields below with your environment.
<your@account.com>: The primary SmartCenter access account.
<Department>: The department to which the equipment should be organized in SmartCenter.
<ENV>: The database where the account is created in SmartCenter, which can be lad1 or lad2.
<RELAY1> and <RELAY2> : Replace the fields with the IP or Hostname of the Central Relays.

Data sending SmartCenter Cloud

SmartCenter Cloud – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

SmartCenter Cloud – Server Agent (ASA):

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

CloudCom Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent
NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration SmartCenter Cloud command.

Data sending Central Relays

Central Relays – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

Central Relays – Server Agent (ASA)

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration to Central Relays command.
Relay Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

End of configuration RPM x32

RPM x64 – Installation

1 – Refresh Repository

zypper refresh

2 – Install library glibc x32

zypper install glibc-32bit -y

3 – Elevate installation package permission (Check file name)

chmod 775 axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.rpm

4 – Install Desktop Agent or Server Agent (Check file name)

rpm -Uhv axa-x.x.x-en.i386.lin.rpm

RPM x64 – Data sending configuration

The data forwarding configuration can be done for SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays
Execute only one of the following configuration commands, either SmartCenter Cloud or Central Relays.

NOTE: Replace the fields below with your environment.
<your@account.com>: The primary SmartCenter access account.
<Department>: The department to which the equipment should be organized in SmartCenter.
<ENV>: The database where the account is created in SmartCenter, which can be lad1 or lad2.
<RELAY1> and <RELAY2> : Replace the fields with the IP or Hostname of the Central Relays.

Data sending SmartCenter Cloud

SmartCenter Cloud – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

SmartCenter Cloud – Server Agent (ASA):

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca127.0.0.1:1999 -crssl:<ENV>-receiver.almaden.app:443

CloudCom Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent
NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration SmartCenter Cloud command.

Data sending Central Relays

Central Relays – Desktop Agent (ADA)

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

Central Relays – Server Agent (ASA)

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/asetup -s -a -s -i<your@account.com> -b<Department> -ca<RELAY1>:1999 -oaar<RELAY2>:1999

NOTE: The expected outcome after executing the configuration to Central Relays command.
Relay Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

End of configuration RPM x64


The following commands are used to check the configurations applied to the Desktop Agent and Server Agent.

Status – Desktop Agent

Desktop Agent “aengine” and “arelay” status

/opt/automatos/ada/bin/aengine -status
/opt/automatos/ada/bin/arelay -status

Status – Server Agent

Server Agent “aengine” and “arelay” status

/opt/automatos/asa/bin/aengine -status
/opt/automatos/asa/bin/relay -status

Check “aengine” and “arelay” status
aenginestatus Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agentarelaystatus Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent


Logs – File Path and extension

Paths and file log extensions.

Desktop Agent (ADA) Log files path

cd /var/opt/automatos/ada

Server Agent (ASA) Log files path

cd /var/opt/automatos/asa

Log file extensions “.elog” and “.rlog”
Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

Logs – Detailed logs (Verbosity)

Enabling verbose logging causes the Desktop Agent and Server Agent to generate more detailed logs for us to analyze potential communication issues that may arise.

Stop the “aengine” and “arelay” services for Desktop Agent or Server Agent:

systemctl stop aengine

systemctl stop arelay

Open the configuration file “aengine.cfg”:

# For Desktop Agent
vim /opt/automatos/ada/etc/aengine.cfg

#For Server Agent
vim /opt/automatos/asa/etc/aengine.cfg

Edit the line and change the last digit to “7” “$VERBOSITY = 0x00000007” and save the file.”

Enable verbosity
LogVerb Linux Installation - Desktop Agent and Server Agent

Start the ‘aengine’ and ‘arelay’ services for Desktop Agent or Server Agent:

systemctl start aengine

systemctl start arelay

Note: Please wait for approximately 5 minutes and collect the log files from the ‘Logs – File Path and extension’ section.

After collecting the log files, revert the configuration file to $VERBOSITY = 0x00000000, to prevent unnecessary extensive logs from being generated.”


Commands used for uninstalling the agents.

Uninstall DPKG

# Desktop Agent
dpkg -r ada

# Server Agent
dpkg -r asa

Uninstall RPM

# Desktop Agent
rpm -e ada

# Server Agent
rpm -e asa



Interacting with the Desktop Agent and Server Agent services.

# Start Services
systemctl start aengine
systemctl start arelay

# Stop Services
systemctl stop aengine
systemctl stop arelay

# Restart Services
systemctl restart aengine
systemctl restart arelay

# Status Services
systemctl status aengine
systemctl status arelay

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Linux Installation – Desktop Agent and Server Agent

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